lunes, marzo 17, 2008

I wish I could say...

Some times there are things we wish we could say, but we can’t.

For instance, the man who has just lost his son, wishes he could say “I am a successful businessman”, but he can’t.

The lonely divorced woman, would like nothing better than to declare “I have such a happy marriage, but she can’t”.

The barren couple wishing to have children, wish they could tell to others, “It’s so wonderful to have youngsters around the house…”

A person recently diagnose with cancer can not boast “I’m healthy”.

A student who gets a low GPA can’t claim, “I am happy with my results…”

They can’t say that.

Yes there are things we wish we could say but because of various reasons we have to keep silent.

But, listen, of all the things you can not say, there’s one thing you can, with no reservation and absolute confidence. If you place your faith in Christ, you can declare with a smile on your face and joy in your heart, “I AM FORGIVEN”.

That my friend, you can say and say it over and over again.

2 comentarios:

esto es nuevo para mi dijo...

Me gustó tu escrito. Es cierto que podemos decir que somos perdonados una y otra vez... Y eso supone un esfuerzo, no sólo para el que perdona, sino también para el que es perdonado. A veces, quienes son más duros a la hora de perdonarnos somos nosotros mismos...

NotaBene dijo...

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