John says: “Teacher, we saw someone using your name to force demons out of a person. We told him to stop, because he does not belong to our group.” (Mark 9:38)
Everything about him was so right. But there was one problem. He was from the wrong group.
I deeply appreciate my heritage. But through the years, my faith has been supplemented by people of other groups.
An Albanian nun, Mother Teresa, never stopped inspiring me. A British Anglican by the name of C.S. Lewis helped me to keep my faith. A Southern Baptist, Rick Warren (Purpose Diven Life Author), showed to me our mission in this world.
One Swiss Reformed Pastor, named Karl Barth, taught me how to articulate my faith placing Christ in its centre. A Catholic, Hans Kung (perhaps the greatest theologian alive), convinced me that being a Christian consists simply in emulating Jesus. I also have to admit that I was rescued many times and placed at the feet of Jesus by a pastor from “The Churches of Christ” (Max Lucado).
One Swiss Reformed Pastor, named Karl Barth, taught me how to articulate my faith placing Christ in its centre. A Catholic, Hans Kung (perhaps the greatest theologian alive), convinced me that being a Christian consists simply in emulating Jesus. I also have to admit that I was rescued many times and placed at the feet of Jesus by a pastor from “The Churches of Christ” (Max Lucado).
To you all, my deepest THANK YOU. You were never in "the wrong group", I was there when God recued me through you...
4 comentarios:
Hey Traveling Buddy! I have fun reading you! Great Stuff!
"Hoy tempranito necesitaba aire fresco y me dí una vueltita por Nota Bene-Sensus versión english...¡Qué delicia...!!!
...Agradezco a Dios..."
Lamento no saber inglés como quien me mandó este mensaje. Pero me alcanza para saber, que en el idioma que sea tus escritos sobrepasan la mente y quedan en el corazón!.
Asi como personas de otras denominaciones pudieron ayudarte y llegar a tu corazon..siempre admire TU capacidad para llegar a los otros, a personas que no tienen tus creencias y valores..hoy vuelvo a admirarte!!como no se ingles, le pedi a un amigo que leyera esto en voz engancho, y siguio leyendo varios de tus ensayos..siempre logras tocar los corazones de quienes te conocemos, o en este caso, de quienes te leen..eso te convierte en una gran persona!!!(T)
No me canso de leer y releer todo lo que escribís!.
Todo habla de una persona profunda, transparente, digna, un hombre íntegro!
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